What's It Really Like?
In this series of podcasts, we explore the lives of children who are life-limited or have complex medical needs. We wish for vulnerable children and their families to feel heard. We hope that it will have a global reach. It is where people will chat with me, Sharon Thompson. The purpose is to comfort those who need it and to educate and connect our community with medical professionals and organisations who need to hear What’s It Really Like to Care for An Extra Special Child.
What's It Really Like?
Episode 10 Karen for All Ireland Institute for Hospice & Palliative Care
In this last episode of the current series, Karen Charnley, Director of AIIHPC talks about their work supporting collaboration within the palliative care community. Elements to listen out for are; the information website called The Palliative Hub (https://childrenspalliativehub.com/) the CPCSAG committee which was set up to advise and assist the HSE in the development of children’s palliative care in line with national policy, Palliative Care Week in September & the All Ireland Children's Palliative Care Conference coming up in November!